
Celebrate the hope of Easter
in a place that you can call home!

You're Invited to Easter!

Sunday, April 20

Bring your family and friends and celebrate the hope that Jesus brings! We’ll worship together with great music from our Easter Choir, be inspired by Pastor Dave’s message, “Generous. Ridiculous. Forgiveness.”, and have some fun at the Kids Egg-stravaganza!

After the service, come hang out on the backlot for coffee and conversation! Keep scrolling for the details or plan your visit now!

Service Schedule


Maundy Thursday, April 17
6 and 7 p.m.

Sunday, April 20
8, 10 & 11:30 a.m. Easter Services and Kids Egg-stravaganza
10 a.m. Online

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Sunday, April 20
9 a.m. Easter Service
and Kids Egg-stravaganza
10 a.m. Online

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Los Angeles Area Campuses

If you're in the Los Angeles area, join us in person at the Montrose or Pasadena Campus. New here? Let us know you're coming!

Your kids will have a blast!

FREE Kids Egg-stravaganza

Calling all Elementary and Preschool kids, stop by for an “Egg-stravaganza” at the Montrose or Pasadena Campus! We’ll start the morning with singing and end with some Easter egg fun!

-TONS of Easter eggs!
-Photo Booth
-People who care about your kids

Montrose Kids (Ages 3- Grade 6) meet at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. at Valley Vista Preschool, 3825 Orangedale Avenue, Montrose.

Pasadena Kids meet at 9 a.m.

Nursery is provided at all times and locations for ages 0-2 years old.

Questions? Contact dionna.williams@montrosechurch.org.

He is not here, He has risen!