
Kids don’t want to sit still and listen to someone talk about God’s love – they want to experience it!

Montrose Kids

Montrose Kids is a fun and safe place where every kid belongs! It's a place for kids of all ages to experience God's love, explore the Bible, and be empowered to love their neighbors. We can't wait to meet you!

Our Nursery (infant through age 2) and Kids Clubhouse (Age 3 – Grade 6) are offered during all Sunday services at both campuses, and Kids Midweek meet on Wednesday (Montrose) and Thursday nights (Pasadena) at 6:30 p.m. Check out our latest newsletter here and check out coming events listed below.

Kids Christmas Musical 2024, "Super Nativity"

Congrats to our kids for an amazing performance on 12/14-15! Click the buttons to download the program for each campus, and watch the replay below!

VBS 2024 Recap, "Artic Adventure"

We had a blast at this year's VBS, where a group of quirky explorers journeyed through a polar wonderland! They taught us about Jonah, David, and Daniel from the Old Testament and how they found extraordinary hope in Jesus.





It takes a village! Email to get involved!

MC Kids - So Many Needs!

Montrose - We especially need welcome & check-in volunteers on Sundays!

Kids Church Assistants & Teachers

We need volunteers to help with Kids Church at our Pasadena-Bresee Campus!

Nursery Care Givers

Montrose and Pasadena - Infants and young toddlers have a special place during church services!