What is The Legacy Project?
The Legacy Project is a five-year campaign to allow us to best serve the future generations of Montrose Church, including major upgrades to our campus!
Learn about the Legacy Project
The new Multipurpose Building, Family Life Center, and flexible Backlot will serve our community for years to come!
Want to be a part of this project? Scroll down to make your pledge and then schedule your ongoing donations.

Get Involved, Part One:
Pledge to the Legacy Project
Your commitment to the project via a pledge allows us to make plans and begin work on the project! After you pledge, scroll down to setup your online donations.
Get Involved, Part Two:
Give to the Legacy Project
After you've made your pledge, you can set up your donation online (recurring or one-time). To make an online donation to the Legacy Project, select the "Legacy Project" fund, or to give by check, write "Legacy" in the memo. To learn more, contact dave.roberts@montrosechurch.org.
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”